Google Discontinues Continuous Scroll: What This Means for Your SEO Strategy


The Google continuous scroll feature, designed to enhance the user experience by eliminating the need to click page numbers or “Next” to see additional search results, has been retired from desktop search as of June 25, 2024, with mobile search set to follow soon. This change, first reported by Search Engine Land, marks the return of the traditional pagination bar on desktop and the introduction of a “More results” button on mobile. This blog will delve into:


– What Is Google Continuous Scroll?

– Why Is Google Retiring the Continuous Scrolling Feature?

– How the Lack of Google Continuous Scrolling Impacts Your Traffic and Leads

– Search Engine Optimization Tips To Rank on Page 1

– Get Expert Help: Want To Rank Higher on Google Search Results?


What Is Google Continuous Scroll?


Google continuous scroll, or infinite scroll, was introduced to mimic the endless scrolling experience of social media platforms, first on mobile in October 2021 and then on desktop in December 2022. This feature allowed users to keep scrolling to see more search results without clicking “Next” or specific page numbers. The aim was to create a seamless user experience by removing the need to load new pages.


Why Is Google Retiring the Continuous Scrolling Feature?


According to a Google spokesperson, the decision to retire continuous scroll was made to serve search results faster. The company found that auto-loading more results did not positively affect user engagement and satisfaction. This change aligns with Google’s continuous efforts to optimize user experience based on data and user behavior, prioritizing speed and relevance.


While the move aims to enhance user experience, it has caused concern among website owners about the potential negative impact on traffic and engagement.


How the Lack of Google Continuous Scrolling Impacts Your Traffic and Leads


With the return of pagination, websites not ranking on the first page may see a significant drop in traffic. Studies show that less than 1% of users click on results on the second page. Even those on the first page face challenges due to the prominence of ads for highly competitive search terms.


If your website primarily ranks on Page 2 or beyond, you may need to adjust your SEO strategy to protect your traffic and lead flow.


Search Engine Optimization Tips To Rank on Page 1


Given the recent changes, it’s a good time to revisit effective SEO strategies to help your website rank on Page 1:


  1. Target Long-Tail Keywords

– Long-tail keywords, though they attract less traffic, often capture users further along in their buying journey. For example, targeting “best running shoes for flat feet” instead of just “shoes” can attract more qualified leads.


  1. Nail the Quality of Your Content

– High-quality content is essential. Ensure your posts are well-structured, free of errors, and provide value. Use headings, bullet points, and short paragraphs to make content easy to read and navigate.


  1. Ask Questions and Answer Them

– Including common questions in your content, such as in a FAQ section, aligns with how users search and can help your content rank higher.


  1. Don’t Forget Your Meta Descriptions

– Craft compelling meta descriptions with target keywords to encourage clicks. These snippets influence whether users click through to your site.


  1. Speed, Speed, Speed

– Optimize your website’s loading speed by improving technical SEO, such as optimizing images, using a CDN, and streamlining your site’s code. Fast websites enhance user experience and are favored by search engines.


  1. Improve Your Backlink Profile

– Build a strong backlink profile by earning links from reputable sites. High-quality backlinks signal trust and authority to search engines.


Additionally, analyzing user behavior on your website can provide insights into further improving your SEO.


Get Expert Help: Want To Rank Higher on Google Search Results?


The recent changes underline the importance of securing a strong presence on Page 1 of search results. Breakloo Digitals can help your business navigate these changes with expert SEO services.


Our team refines your keyword strategy, targeting search terms that drive traffic and conversions. We ensure your site provides a seamless user experience with fast loading times and mobile responsiveness. By analyzing user behavior, we further optimize your content and site to meet user needs and expectations.


Google’s algorithms and features will continue to evolve. Let us help you secure a top spot on Page 1. Contact our team today.