How to Remove Negative Reviews from Google and Protect Your Online Reputation


A single online review can significantly impact a business. Positive five-star ratings on your Google Business Profile can attract new customers, while negative one-star reviews can drive them away. Negative reviews can tarnish a hard-earned reputation and affect your bottom line. However, with the right approach and an understanding of Google’s review policy, these reviews can be addressed and, in many cases, removed.


This blog covers:


– What Is Google’s Review Policy?

– How Google Uses Machine Learning To Catch Fake Reviews

– How To Delete Google Reviews

– What To Do When You’re Unable To Remove a Review

– How to Respond to Genuine Negative Reviews


What Is Google’s Review Policy?


While negative reviews can harm a business’s reputation, honest feedback is crucial for improving products and services. Being transparent about negative feedback and addressing it shows customers that their opinions are valued. In fact, 96% of customers specifically look for negative reviews (TrustPulse).


However, there are scenarios where flagging and deleting a Google review may be necessary. Understanding Google’s prohibited and restricted content criteria is the first step in removing bad reviews.


Google review guidelines are clear and straightforward. Any content, including photos, videos, and written reviews on your Google Business Profile, may be removed if it is found to be misleading or inaccurate.


Spam and Fake Content: Reviews should reflect the reviewer’s experience accurately and not be manipulated by incentives. Content posted using emulators, modified operating systems, or device tampering services is also prohibited.

Off-Topic: Google does not tolerate irrelevant rants, political conversations, or social discussions in reviews.

Restricted Content: Reviews must not promote regulated products or services such as alcohol, firearms, health or medical offerings, gambling, or adult and financial services.

Illegal Content: This includes content associated with illegal activities, sexual abuse, rights infringement, and violent or terrorist images.

Terrorist Content: Google prohibits any content that promotes terrorism or incites violence.

Sexually Explicit Content: Sexual content, especially exploiting children, is strictly prohibited.

Offensive Content: Reviews attacking individuals or groups or containing obscene language are not allowed. Unsubstantiated allegations of unethical behavior or criminal activity are also prohibited.

Impersonation: Any content that attempts to pose as an individual, group, or organization is prohibited.

Conflict of Interest: This includes self-promotional posts, discussing competitors with the intent to manipulate their ratings, or sharing content about employment experiences.


Reviews meeting these criteria are swiftly removed through spam detection and review monitoring. If you believe a negative review violates these policies, you can flag it or contact Google Support for assistance.


How Google Uses Machine Learning To Catch Fake Reviews


Google reviews are carefully reviewed by moderation systems before being published. Google’s systems continuously monitor contributed content to detect suspicious activity over time.


In 2023, Google introduced an advanced machine learning algorithm to catch suspicious review patterns. This algorithm analyzes both one-off cases and broader attack patterns daily. These include instances where a reviewer posts identical reviews across multiple businesses or when a business experiences a sudden surge in one or five-star reviews.


In 2023, Google prevented over 170 million fake reviews and protected business owners from over two million attempts by malicious actors to claim Business Profiles. Temporary protections were implemented on more than 123,000 businesses due to suspicious activity.


The new algorithm aims to protect businesses from malicious actors and contribute to a more trustworthy online marketplace. It also assists potential customers who rely on accurate reviews to make informed decisions.


How To Delete Google Reviews


According to Tim Clarke, Senior Reputation Manager at Breakloo Digitals, brands should consider negative review removal if the reviewers are competitors, not real customers, or if they use personal attacks and profanity.


However, businesses cannot automatically remove a Google review on their own. Instead, they can submit a request to check whether the review violates Google review guidelines. Avoid reporting a review just because you disagree with it or find it unfavorable, as Google doesn’t get involved in disputes regarding factual experiences.


Here’s how to delete Google reviews and safeguard your online image:


  1. Assess the Review: Carefully examine the review for signs that it may be fake or inappropriate, such as vague comments, overly negative sentiments, or hate speech.
  2. Flag It Down: Log into your Google Business Profile Manager, locate the review, click on the three dots in the top right corner, and select “Report review.”
  3. Provide Supporting Evidence: Google may ask for additional proof to validate your claim, such as screenshots or emails.
  4. Wait for a Response: Allow Google some time to conduct its investigation, typically up to 14 days. Encourage customers or colleagues to report the review to bring more attention to the issue.


Although there’s no assurance that Google will delete the review, flagging it can help protect your online reputation.


What To Do When You’re Unable To Remove a Review


If the negative testimonial doesn’t violate Google review guidelines, you can submit a one-time appeal.


  1. Access the Reviews Management Tool.
  2. Confirm the displayed email address is associated with managing your Business Profile. If not, switch accounts.
  3. Choose “Check the status of a review I reported previously and appeals options.”
  4. Click on “Appeal eligible reviews” and select the reviews you want to appeal (up to 10 at a time).
  5. Click “Continue” and then “Submit an appeal.”
  6. Fill out the form in the new tab and submit it.


If the review is found to violate policy, it will be removed. Otherwise, the review will remain live with its status as “Escalated – check your email for updates.”


If Google refuses your request, consider directly contacting the reviewer. Address their concerns and resolve any misunderstandings. Proper customer service resolution can sometimes encourage reviewers to voluntarily remove or update their negative feedback.


How to Respond to Genuine Negative Reviews


Responding to reviews is an essential part of customer service resolution. It shows your audience that you’re listening and continuously enhancing your services. Clarke recommends that businesses should reply to all reviews, even if they are fake or unfair.


Here are key steps to effectively handle negative reviews and improve your online reputation management:


Empathize: Acknowledge the issue and any shortcomings on your part. Addressing reviewers by name adds a personal touch.

Offer a Heartfelt Apology: If a negative review points out a genuine issue, apologize and ensure it doesn’t happen again.

Propose Solutions: Offer actionable solutions such as refunds, replacements, discounts, or additional support.

Be Polite and Professional: Always stay courteous and avoid becoming defensive or engaging in arguments.

Take the Conversation Offline: Offer an offline solution like a phone call or email correspondence rather than a public dispute.

Follow Up: Once you’ve come to an understanding, contact the reviewer to ensure they’re happy with the resolution. Ask them to reconsider negative review removal if everything is resolved.


Displaying and answering negative reviews shows customers that you have nothing to hide. Responding to reviews politely and thoughtfully can go a long way in winning over customers.


Enhance Your Online Reputation Management Strategy


Don’t let negative reviews overshadow your business’s true potential. By learning how to remove bad reviews from Google, you can ensure a more accurate representation of your brand.


Partner with Breakloo Digitals and take charge of your online presence now. We offer advanced online reputation management software for businesses of all sizes, from startups to multi-location businesses and Fortune 500 companies. We specialize in review monitoring and response, community management, and more.


Book a consultation now and strengthen your customer service resolution.